Mystery schools have fascinated seekers of esoteric knowledge for thousands of years. Offering pathways to spiritual awakening and a deeper understanding of the universe they operated outside the boundaries of conventional education, and symbolic teachings were passed from mouth to ear. The exact nature of what was taught in the mystery schools is  lost in time, but it is presumed to be how the energies of the universe interact.

What Was Taught in Mystery Schools

Mystery schools have fascinated seekers of esoteric knowledge for thousands of years. Offering pathways to spiritual awakening and a deeper understanding of the universe they operated outside the boundaries of conventional education, and symbolic teachings were passed from mouth to ear. The exact nature of what was taught in the mystery schools is  lost in time, but it is presumed to be how the energies of the universe interact.

A Brief History of Mystery Schools

Before going too deeply into what is taught in mystery schools, it perhaps helps to understand their origins and purpose. 

The Mysteries

Free Offerings

Enjoy these free offerings & get to know The Mysteries

Cedarwood Class - Free Access for All

Detailed research into the Cedarwoods of the East: Cedrus deodara, Cedrus atlantica, Cedrus libani and Cedrus brevifolia

The ultimate powertool.

Get stuck in!

Pre-recorded sessions

You wait for days for the course, but you have moved on to something else and have no idea why you signed up in the first place.

These lectures are designed for you to be able to access what you want, when you want. (This page relies on me having alreay completed and uploaded them, so keep checking back. The content will grow. )

Mysteries of sacred oils

Plants have always been used as magical tools. However, in today's world of compartmentalisation of ease of knowledge, much of the nuances of how and why they may have been chosen have been lost.

Plants of Sacred Power

However using a combination of textual investigations and shamanic methods, it is sometimes possible to grok more about an oil than is written anywhere.

Intuiting how a plant operates in the non-other world can greatly enhance outcomes of healing, manifestation, prayers and spells.

This work creates an arcane repository of add depth and significance to ritual and ceremonial work, as well as working towards the greater good of our world.

In a world of humans "using" plants to heal, let's become the hands through which plants can do what they are best at...healing.

Egyptian Mystery School

We are honoured to welcome professional Egyptian tour guide and egyptologist, Noha Aly to present a series of lectures through 2025. She will be speaking about the temples and their energetic connections, as well as her research into the magical oils of Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian Mystery School

Additionally, we will be hosting pre-recorded lectures to do with ancient Egyptian energy healing and kemetic religion.

Discover the different gods involved in magical oil ceremony and the heka (magic) surrounding rituals done with scent.

Translate your existing healing knowledge into the ancient ways and feel how different the energy exchange feels when it is used.

Click the link to find out more of what is happening in the Egyptian Mystery School in 2025

Scent Sorcerors' Community

Join the tree wizards and moon bathers in open forums, or compare notes with your classmates when you are deep diving with a plant.

Come and hang out where the magickal people are.

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