Welcome to the Cedarwood Mysteries. This 12-part lecture series explores how the cedarwood has come to be a universal symbol of divine power, and how it seems to hold power accountable to be just and fair. In addition to exploring cedarwood essential oil spiritual benefits, the lecture then goes wider to encompass cedarwood itself, and also cedar resin, which has now been confirmed as having been a mummification ingredient. This lecture then necessarily wanders across into the Egyptian Mystery School to think about what the spiritual benefits of being embalmed with cedar may have been, over and above cedar's antimicrobial properties.
I hope you find the evidences as fascinating as I did. I thoroughly enjoyed making this set.
Please bear in mind that there are very clearly defined sections, because I consider some parts to be rather nutrient dense. These smaller sections will enable you to take in small enough amounts of information at a time to assimilate them, but more, (hopefully) it puts a wall between sections based on historical evidence about cedarwood and cedar resin, and sections about cedarwood essential oil spiritual benefits have come from my mind only.
Since eveyone learns differently, I have put all the videos onto an autoplay playlist if you find it easier to simply listen when you are driving or walking the dog. To stress, this is exactly the same content, just organised in a more linear way. Please note however, that I do not consider this approprate content to listen to in the company of children as, in places, it briefly contains adult themes of death, oppression and violence.
At all points, I would encourage you to challenge the information I provide. Use every time you engage with it as an opportunity for your own unfurling of the Cedarwood Mysteries. There should always be two layers to this. The layer I have passed from mouth to ear, but then how the magic of cedarwood essential spiritual benefits unfurls for you.
Examine every point I make and get used to questioning your body.
"How does that feel to me? How does that land in my body?"
Try to tune in somatically to what your body tells you about this oil. There will be things it agrees with and things it doesn't.
Great! It knows something then.
That is a sign to follow...make that your next piece of work.
Know that you are made up of more than just one body.
Physical body yes...but how does dedarwood speak to your emotional body, your mental body..can you feel it in your aura?
Which chakras do you feel cedarwood essential oil spiritual benefits activating for you?
How do the two of you work as a team from here?
How is the cedar your ally, and how can you be an ally for it?
What adventures and collaborations will you have with cedar from here?
I'd encourage you to view your time with cedarwood as devotional time. Time where you honour the tree quietly. Set your time aside to approach it with reverence, as a divine tree, and as sacred. There's no need to expound on that with anyone else. You'll be astonished how much more you come to understand about cedarwood essential oil spiritual benefits when you stop being worried about what other people think.
I am proud to be a wisdom keeper for cedar and feel honoured to pass this knowledge on to you.
Be judicious with it, and please, work with cedar to make the world better.
To quote the marvellous Eddie Izzard, "Be Brave. Be Curious."
After all, how else could anyone possibly expect to become a tree wizard otherwise?
So, without further ado, I shall hand the reins to you and cedarwood essential oil spiritual benefits.
Please note that all notes retain copyright of The Secret Healer.
Would you like to meet likeminded people, who think the same way about nature too?
Hope over to the Scent Scorcers Membership area. There are general areas to hang out, comment, ask questions or share discoveries about your studied oil, as well as specialist areas for courses and events you are participating in.
This is a place to share wisdom about your oils adventures and collaborations with the world, make new friends and to learn from others.
Come, grab a basket and let's forage.
The Cedar embodies power, humility, good judgment and integrity.
People have sought to engage with it to communicate with the ruling forces of the universe since the beginnings of recorded time.
Today, our world is in crisis and the Cedars of God are quite literally in the firing line.
Join with us to activate the Cedars for Lebanon at the winter solstice in this communal ceremony for peace.
Click for more details.
For ease, I have included some other resources for you.
Most importantly, please appraise yourself of sustainability issues surrounding Cedrus atlantica. To do this, please click the button below labelled "Airmid" to read a tremendous article by Dr. Kelly Ablard.
To the right you will see an image from the Tongue of The Trees Oracle Cards which I created along with Hungarian aromatherapist, Gergley Hollodi.
There are three links associated with the Tongue of the Trees Cards.
The cards themselves.
The Knowledge Base : an indepth look at the elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the doshas in Ayurveda and, planetary rulership in the traditional medicines of the European world.
The Recipe Hub: A collection of essential oil recipes to complement the cards. There are 52 cards in total and each oil has at least ten recipes covering everything from digestive and menstrual pains to flashbacks from PTSD
I have two videos from my Tongue of The Trees work.
Please click "Cedarwood Physical" or "Cedarwood Metaphysical". Metaphysical includes emotional, mental and spiritual, as well as safety and blending notes. These are readily available and free to access on Youtube. Please feel free to share these if you would like to.
There is also a Fellowship in Essential Oils video with Adam Baralett that covers chakras and planetary rulership. This link is labelled "Fellowship"...
Again, this readily available and free to access on Youtube. Please feel free to share these if you would like to.
Finally, in the past, I have conducted a communal meditation for peace during the war in Ukraine.
To access this, please click "Meditation".
Again, this readily available and free to access on Youtube. Please feel free to share these if you would like to.
If you feel you would like to take your knowledge even deeper, or to expore other aspects of your peronality and potential growth and success, using essential oils, why not book a consultantion?
Similarly, I am available for guest blogging and appearances, as well as ghostwriting and safety consultantions,
Click the link for more information.
Copyright The Secret Healer 2024
End of the Cedarwood essential oil spiritual benefits page.