With Katie Holland
I have been working with Blue Lotus for months now and I have to say I have never had such a busy time of creativity and spiritual growth, despite the fact that at home life has also been complex. Blue Lotus has taught me many things, about the mysteries of life and death, about using essential oils as magical tools, but especially it has made me think about the conversations we have with the dead. These thoughts about soul retrieval and soul contracts have mainly come after Blue Lotus introduced me to Dance and Somatic Movement Therapist, Katie Holland.
Regular readers will know that routine rules in our house, and no-one exploits that more than the dog who hauls me out of bed at stupid o’clock to see the sunrise each day. I’m not nearly as enchanted by the notion as she is, but since Blue Lotus has a lot to do with how the sun rises at dawn, I have enjoyed doing my research listening to podcasts, as we walk. Progress on our perambulation is slow, especially during the colder months when the scent volatiles of the canine telegraph evaporate slower. Bella pours delighted over each urinary golden nugget, so to protect her from my wrath, I listen to all the lectures I can find to relate to my current research subject. If she's lucky my brain doesnt register how annoying it is that she stops to sniff every six inches of pavement!
With Blue Lotus there have been many different angles to think about. Herbalists talking about their experiences using it, sex therapists, Egyptologists talking about its various deities, people who work with hallucinogens, botanists…loads. Pretty soon I had listened to so many, without a pen to hand, that I had forgotten most of what they had said. I went back to the beginning and did the whole thing again. Somehow, one podcast had seemingly slipped through the cracks. Herein was Katie Holland, talking about her training in various disciplines of sacred dancing, and how she had come to work with the Blue Lotus. Everything she had experienced with the plants echoed the same conclusions I’d made.
I will admit to feeling a bit starstruck by this enigmatic woman who has danced all over the world. She had such an incredible grasp of the mysteries of a flower that I had been skirting around for months and everything in me screamed that I needed to meet her.
Nervously I dropped her a message on Facebook to see if she’d be interested in a chat.
Two minutes later she’d shot back an excited reply that she would.
Minutes later we were completely engrossed in the pathway that the blue lotus had set up for us. A plan evolved to create online workshops about how blue lotus can help to identify and negotiate soul contracts, and when used with sacred dance can help someone to get out of them completely.
Perhaps you would like to hear her speak about her work and the course?
I should be clear that this was not my idea. It was a case of right opportunity, right place, because Katie has been doing this work for years, but without doubt this has become one of the most important parts of my new Aromatic Mystery School and I am so excited to get started. So first of all, I know many you will want to know…
The best way I can explain it is to ask if you ever have any situations or relationships that seem to keep going wrong in the same ways? Or do you have any physical conditions that seem to have cycles and triggers. You know the triggers aren’t necessarily stress, per se, but you can’t quite put your finger on what those actual triggers might be. Or you know the trigger, but you don’t really understand why they are triggering you. It could be that what you are experiencing is not actually anything to do with you, but an unresolved contract that belongs to an ancestor.
Soul contracts are the agreements we make before birth about lessons and challenges we will face. They can often be tied to our ancestors or to our past lives. I like to think of them as being like a baton that gets passed along a familial line where the next generation continues the endeavours of the last. Sometimes soul agreements remain in place over multiple lifetimes. An easy one to imagine is that of those born into a royal family. They are pledged to God before they are even thought about.
According to the apocryphal gospel, the Protoevangelium of James, The Virgin Mary had a similar destiny. She herself was born of an immaculate conception because her mother, St Anne, became pregnant without having sex with her husband. She was raised in the Temple, and was married off to a carpenter many years her senior, then was visited by an angel who told her that was going to give birth to the son of God.
Not all ancestral experiences are as extreme as that, of course. Consider what it might be like to be Romany versus being a Sikh. Entirely different life paths, in part dictated by your family’s choices that have been pass down through generations. Secrets and taboos follow us down genetic threads. Sometimes, with good results, like natural abilities to dance, sing or do maths, but sometimes there might be a darker side to that.
Consider what that would mean if one of your ancestors had been an arms dealer?
Or what about a lapsed nun with all the complicated emotions and broken promises that would hold? What does it mean to be a Bride of Christ, then to leave Him?
What about someone who had dabbled in black magic ?
What energetic cheques have these ancestors bounced?
What soul contracts remain unpaid? These are what Katie refers to as “the iniquity of the ancestors”.
What bad shit are you still picking up the pieces for, without even knowing that you’re expected to do it?
Those are extreme examples, but these strange associations can be all manner of things and, even though you probably don’t have a clue…you can bet your bottom dollar your psyche keeps trying to tell you about them. The problem is, if you don’t speak somatic body language, you just won’t understand what it’s trying to communicate. It just feels ff, or nasty, or difficult. Or in some cases it feels inexplicably dreadful.
If you have ever been in a car crash, you will know how cleverly the body remembers. Thirty five years after mine, I am still very difficult to have in the passenger seat. My mind is constantly panicking that a car is going too fast, that someone will come out from a junction or we may not have enough room to overtake. I grab the door handle about sixty times every journey. I’ve forgotten pretty much all of the details of the original accident, but my body refuses to do so, and it harbours its annoyance in my muscles.
It’s marvellous how fast it still signals panic, and my hand can react, and that’s even acknowledging the sensation in my belly that screams “This situation’s not safe. Any moment now, somethings gonna go wrong…” There is no mystery about what it is remembering. It’s a man and a woman hitting our windscreen as three cars collided in the rain (and unbelievably, everyone survived unhurt).
I have the same panic over travelling alone, which of course I have to do for my job. My body does not like it at all and my anxiety spikes through the roof; but that’s not because of any incident I remember. I have no explanation why.
Have. No, had. I had no explanation why.
I do now. It was a remnant of a soul contract I’d brought through.
When I was doing the Melissa work, I went through many initiations, some more terrible than others, but none worse than the day I saw rituals I’d been dreaming about being done by a Lithuanian cult. The shock of it was terrifying. I had five past life memories all come flooding in. One of those was Melite, an ancient Greek priestess who had been one of the tributes the Athenians had sent to Crete to feed the Minotaur.
My soul had a contract to keep Athens safe, and that poor girl's terror reverberated across two thousand years.
Her panic was horrific. It took weeks to work through her terror, which now given contact made complete sense why I would be so panicked about going abroad. Who knows how many generations she had been trying to protect rom the Minotaur. After being so angry at myself for being “useless” at travelling, I now felt so grateful to the part of me that wanted to keep me safe at home. Acceptance is such a great healer, but I also knew that to grow, Melitte had to be asked to stop now, and go. Eventually, after placating her with many explanations that I’d never be in danger from the monster, she agreed to leave. I instantly felt generally less anxious in every aspect of my life. I still don’t enjoy travelling, but I am nowhere as afraid as I was.
Now, make no mistake, my logical mind knows this story is entirely bonkers and, more, how could I ever convince anyone it was true?Where is the evidence? Where is the proof? Well the evidence is my lack of fear of stepping on a plane…So really, ours is not to reason why.
Simply to observe and enjoy the fact that we feel better when it has been dealt with.
Ah well, that’s the sixty four million dollar question, isn’t it?
It amuses me that often people seem to have been rather grandiose Pharaohs or Queens. That may or may not be so. Just as likely though, we were shop assistants, gardeners and cleaners. It's probably unusual to be able to say who or where you have been before..
I find it easier though, to imagine
was I?
Because some people can pick up a musical instrument and just play, can’t they?
Or others are soothed by patterns in maths.
My son is obsessed by the weather, and tells me each morning whether to put the washing out. (Never does it himself, mind you.)
These inexplicable things, these talents that seemingly have no seeding anywhere…I dunno…maybe they
part of soul contracts from the past. Farmers who had to know when to plant, or minstrels whose lives depended on their abilities to play.
We all had jobs. We all had loves, requited and otherwise. We all had trauma.
If we believe that we reincarnated, of course, and the Egyptian Mystery Schools insisted that we should.
So where do these memories live? These soul contracts that puppet us with strings?
Well, bodyworkers will tell you that memories lodge anywhere, especially in the myofascia connecting muscles and tissues. Another particular favourite haunt is with the womb space. In India, they call the wombspace called the
a creative energetic space that exists between the navel and the ribs.
Everyone has this energetic wombspace, even if they no longer have, (or have never had,) a physical uterus. Thus women who have had hysterectomies, transgender men and women, or even cis-gender men, are able to access this healing with guidance from a skilled practitioner like Katie.
Our wombs are memory receptacles of the most extraordinary kind. Able to hold memories, not only of children that have grown there, but also the misery of those who did not, conditions like PMS and pelvic pain are often very much connected to the stories of a person’s womb. Tragic as it is to see someone whose womb has been a death space, then go on to develop hideous menstrual pain, it is extremely understandable. Menstrual pain can often be the physical manifestation of gynecological grief. Further, I’d like to acknowledge that reproductive grief is not only a curse for women. Many men and trans people experience complex emotions about never being able to parent, or indeed perhaps because they have parented but no longer can.
In these cases, the rage,the grief or even guilt, are usually our own. It’s easy to imagine how our own emotions might inhabit our own inner world of the body. That it’s not always that way. These emotions and soul contracts could belong to someone much older in our lineage. As a starting point to understand that, consider that, a child actually originates in their grandmother’s womb. Their grandmother carried their mother; as their mother formed her ovaries and eggs that would eventually reproduce as a child. Thus, conceivably a child may have been in residence as their grandmother received news of her husband being shot down in war.
As a bee priestess, for me, a story of Telling the Bees, is brought to mind. Tradition says you should treat your beehive like family, and always tell them about births, deaths and marriages, or other main events. I remember writing the account of a woman who remembered her uncle getting banged up in jail for some crime, and the girl watched as her grandmother wrangled painfully for days over “Whatever shall I tell the bees?” Tragedies shoot across generations, but also they have bizarre ways of crossing dimensions unseen.
Homeopaths have a name for part of this, and indeed it forms a large part of their therapy. ‘Miasm’ is an inherited dispensation for a disease…how syphilis or tuberculosis for example pollutes a family's genetic lineage to create certain predictable illnesses and malaise. These are the physical effects of, I guess what we might call “The Sins of the Father”, or mother. Or uncle or aunt….
Similarly remnants of soul contracts that belong to other times (or sometimes, even different dimensions) migrate and take refuge within the welcoming space of the womb. Many people find lethal cleansing the womb of these energetic squatters radically overhauls their health. Their behaviour alters, and their emotional well being improves. Suddenly they begin to thrive and succeed where before they felt like they were inexplicably held back.Soul RetrievalSomatic movement and Dance Therapy, unlocks and releases imprints, to release the dancer from emotional and spiritual ties that no longer serve. Sacred dance activates the body’s memory to release energy and trapped emotions from all parts of the body and mind, including the womb. Soul retrieval gathers fragmented pieces cast adrift by ancestral trauma.
In this two-hour workshop hosted by the Aromatic Mystery School, you will not only learn about soul contracts, womb healing, and sacred dance, but also experience the profound shifts that can occur when you consciously reclaim your soul’s power. Enhancing the powerful healing artform of sacred dance, in this workshop we will also work with Blue Lotus. A plant ally well versed in speaking across the veil, Blue Lotus has been one of the most renowned botanicals used as magical tools for the dead for at least four thousand years. Katie lives and teaches sacred dance in Egypt where pictures of it being used in dance rituals for the dead are everywhere.
Whether you are a trainee priestess who would like to expand and better understand her intuitive powers, an aromatherapist seeking to integrate more knowledge of using Blue Lotus oil as a magical tool, or simply a woman seeking to tonify and empower her womb, this workshop is for you.
You don’t need to have Blue Lotus, but it will help.
Feel free to use essential oil, tincture or Blue Lotus essential oil. (Because I am extra, I’ll be using all three).
Much of the dance we will be doing is belly dance, but please do not feel nervous if you have not danced before, or feel you are not a good dancer. There is something for every one here. We will be working in a group, but of course, feel free to close your camera if you feel self conscious.
By the end of each of these workshops, you will feel more empowered to:
Heal ancestral wounds through womb healing
Understand how to release past life traumas influencing your current journey
Use sacred dance as a tool for soul retrieval and emotional release
Begin the process of breaking free from old soul contracts that no longer serve.
Workshop Itinerary and Payment Plans
This course consists of an introductory workshop in March, then 9 subsequent workshops. It is designed to be done as a nine month evolution of development. Whilst it is possible to hop on and off of seperate workshops, please know that there will not be an introductions to the concepts later on.
Likewise, payment plans are available, but it is considerably cheaper to do the whole programme, if you can.
Individually, each three hour session is priced at £85.The ten class course is priced at £750The course can be paid for over three months in payments of £270 to a total of £810
Step into your sacred power, unlock your personal magic, and release your spirit from challenges that belong to the past. Don't miss this opportunity to reclaim sacred space and heal from the inside out.
Join us on a transformational journey with Blue Lotus to release yourself from soul contracts and start a new pathway to healing with Blue Lotus and sacred dance.
Katie is an award-winning sacred dance therapist and the visionary creator of Awakened Bellydance. A renowned professional dancer, she is deeply passionate about empowering individuals through self-initiation and conscious movement.
Her diverse expertise includes being a senior innerdance facilitator and trainer, Access Consciousness practitioner, Energy Whisperer, and PADI Mermaid instructor. Known for her skill in healthy kundalini activation, integration and shadow work, Katie has helped thousands worldwide transform their lives through her deeply embodied teachings.
Since 2006, she has immersed herself in the rich cultural and spiritual landscapes of India, Bali, Bulgaria, and now Egypt, where she walks the alchemical path of the blue lotus.
Katie has performed for Bollywood celebrities and high society while studying under masters of sacred cultural dances, tantra, shamanism, and energy healing.
Currently based in Dahab, Sinai, she offers a wide array of classes, trainings, and lotus ceremonies at her home studio, 'The Lotus Rises Studio'. Katie also leads transformative Sirius retreats across Egypt, India, Zanzibar, the UK, and beyond. Known for her intuitive ability to hold sacred space, Katie's commitment and wealth of experience shine through in the global workshops, trainings, and retreats she facilitates.
Introductory Workshop
Saturday March 22nd
On this first workshop, learn the some of the basic concepts of sacred dance and how somatic dance and movement therapy can facilitate healing.
Meet your plant spirit ally, the Blue Lotus
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Clearing Iniquity Of The Ancestors
Saturday April 26th
What stuff were your forebearers up to?
What energetic deals have they made and left you to clear up after?
Examine how these soul contracts turn up in your day to day life and discover how they feel somatically.
How to use sacred dance techniques to undertake the ancestral lineage healing to break free of these ties.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Freedom from Temple Lineages, Religious Extremism and Priestess Training
Saturday May 31st
For many women, the sensation that they may have done priestess training before can be overwhelming.
Prior to Christianity, many societies had priestesses to serve the goddess, and to act as consort to the gods.
In some cults, such as in the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, or for ancient Greek priestesses of Aphrodite, there is a high likelihood that their role may have included the heiro gamos or sacred marriage where they were expected to act out sexual rites.
For some women, death does not cancel the marriage vows to the gods. They come in with soul contracts of being God's Wife of Amun, or lifetime pledges of faith.
Life is not always pleasant in these cults, and indeed, there are still sects today that place problematic overlays through mental conditioning and spiritual ties. This might just as likely refer to some some Christian, Jewish and Muslim sects today, as well as other religions and pagan practices. Additionally, we can also carry soul contracts and past life ties.
Sacred dance with Blue Lotus to reclaim sovereignty from these modern and ancient temple practices.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Soul Contracts Around Love and Marriage
Saturday June 21st
Prior to Christianity, many societies had priestesses to serve the goddess, and to act as consort to the gods.
In some cults, such as in the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, or for ancient Greek priestesses of Aphrodite, there is a high likelihood that their role may have included the heiro gamos or sacred marriage where they were expected to act out sexual rites.
For some women, death does not cancel the marriage vows to the gods. They come in with soul contracts of being God's Wife of Amun, or lifetime pledges of chastity and faith.
Little wonder then that in this lifetime they find relationships difficult and in those they have, the partner never quite matches up.
In this workshop, Katie uses sacred dance and somatic dance movement therapy to teach the body how to recieve love in a healthy way and to improve the dancers experience of human love and marriage.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Clearing Forced Reincarnation and The Witch Wound
Saturday July 26th
Many women today report experiencing the witch wound very strongly.
Harsh remembrances of being hunted and in many cases tried and executed.
It is hard to commit to living your life, and embracing your talents, with these threats hanging over your head.
Many women sense they have psychic abilities, or the ability to lead and exert change, but the terror of the women's holaucaust continually plagues them into keeping quiet.
This is particularly difficult for healers who do not trust their own abilities, or those who wish to carve out a better life for themselves, but then become terrified of their ability to manifest.
(This is definitely one of my own soul contracts that I come up against over and over again!)
If you suspect that you have been forced to incarnate into a lifetime that you had not wanted to, or you sense that the witch hunts continue around you even to this day, join us with blue lotus and sacred dance to renegotiate new terms on this soul contract.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Limbic System Rewiring and Activation with Blue Lotus and Sacred dance
Saturday August 9th
As an aromatherapist, I am often asked, "Can a therapist stimulate the limbic system?".
Can you change the way you think, learn and feel? Can you adapt the body responds to memories, if you try?
And, of course, the answer is yes, using scent and fragrance, it is not that difficult to do. Inhaling fragrance goes right to the parts of the brain where the limbic system resides. Likewise music and dance affect this primordial centre of learning, cognition, memory and emotions.
Join Katie Holland and Blue Lotus to learn this beautiful collection of movements to undertake limbic system rewiring to improve cognition, emotions, identity and intuition.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
True Soul Gate way and Soul Retrieval Through The Sexual Voice
Saturday September 27th
The voice and throat are ancient portals to healing and are vital to the receiving and giving of love.
They can be used to reclaim soul parts that have been split of interdimensionally. In this workshop, Katie will teach how to use the voice as a way to collect up parts of the self, and how to create sexual alchemy with the voice.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Clearing The Earth Contracts
Saturday October 25th
Clearing soul contracts to save earth.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Projecting and expanding Self Soverignty with Blue Lotus and Sacred Dance
Saturday November 22nd
Who are you when you are entirely you? With no-one pulling your strings?
Have you ever had that much freedom to become yourself? Have you ever had that much self certainty to even try?
In this workshop, Katie not only looks at soul contracts, but also how to tonify and activate energy centres for seeding soverignty and allowing it to expand so you can project it into the world.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Integration and expanding into Total Soverignty with Blue Lotus and Sacred Dance
Saturday december 20th
The final follow on workshop that allows further expansion and projection of self sovereignty to become the most comfortable and sovereign you.
Saturday 6pm - 9pm GMT
Aromatic Mystery School events with Katie Holland have limited tickets available, so don't miss out.
Book now to secure your space in temples through the all ages with Katie Holland.